Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tightening the Belt

Well its been awhile............ Ive had a birthday, been on a girls trip to Queenstown, gone to OZ with my sister, I'm almost finished SBM102 with only one more assignment due then onto the last block of course work, both kids have had chicken pox and Jeff finally got soo sick of his boss he quit.

So here we are, Jeff job hunting and me tightening up the budget.  I have gone through the food we have (well started to I still need to record what is in the pantry) and I think I may have a food hoarding problem lol.  I think aside from topping up a few basics like milk, bread, cheese and eggs we could probably feed ourselves for at  least a month! more if I really tried to stretch meals out.  I have cancelled sky and other things and will use the situation to get more motivated into selling off the stuff I don't use anymore. Thanks to I think we will be fine as they seem to have living on tight budgets down to an art.

Kids are arguing about something so I will stop here for now but I will be back with updates on my new more frugal life something that I think we will try and keep up even when Jeff does go back to work so we can put the extra money saved towards the house and savings.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

More Progress

The best thing about holidays is that Jeff has random bursts of motivation and things get done on the house!  The last day of public holidays he wakes up early and suddenly decides it time to paint the house..... it was a bit of a fail since there was only one bucket of paint so only the back of the house got a coat.  I looked really good tho

Until you saw where it was the paint run out..........

A quick paint order the next day and some more motivation and assistance after work and over the New Years holidays and the house progressed ...........

and currently looks like this.......
Pretty awesome aye!  Hopefully there wont be a long wait until the roof is painted but WOW what a difference it has made.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm Back

Well the Yates Spring Garden Challenge has finally come to a close so fingers crossed I will have more time to jump on here instead.......... at least until the Autumn Challenge. 

Since I've been gone I've tidied up my back yard a fair bit.  The fence has been painted and the garden shed that was damaged in the snow is also gone to a new home.  I also got sick of looking at stripey wallpaper from the 80's and painted the walls in the kitchen.  We also got a new family member Ben the Rotti Mastiff x.  I will try and add pics but will play around with it first as a lot has changed here since I last posted.

Christmas is just around the corner, the tree is up and almost all the presents are organised.  I've started thinking about the new year and some resolutions.  Its going to be a busy year with going back to study starting in Feb and I'm going to Oz for a week without the kids (YIPEE!!) for a break in April.  My resolutions are to get the house sorted and de-cluttered as well as savings some serious $$$ and renovating.  I've joined the website and I'm hoping it will help me save and stop spending as much.

Well I better get on with it and stop procrastinating on the computer.  The washing pile is giving me angry looks and the dishes are calling for me from the kitchen not to mention the weeding I need to keep on top of and the boxes and boxes of stuff I need to sell or dump........................

Until next time :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Yates Spring Vege Growing Challenge

I know I never post in here.  Its gunna be one of those blogs ya just keep checking in case there has been a new post - you know for suspense...........  Ok so maybe not.  I am HOOKED on the Yates Growing Challenge!!  No not hooked...... OBSESSED!  I'm really enjoying it because it keeps me motivated to do stuff and I am LOVING seeing my name at the top.  If you haven't already VOTE FOR ME!!!  1 because you love me, 2 because I'm awesome and 3 because you know you want too.

Yates Challenge - wrxchic

Other than that what is up with my ad selection?  I know that the google ad's throw up things that could interest you based on your browser history but seriously engagement rings and anti aging cremes????  Is it hinting at something?  Im getting too old so im going to need the anti aging cream if i want a chance at an engagement ring??

Short post I know but after all this Yates gardening and blogging I'm tired............. at least its keeping my typing skills up to speed and making me at least think about my spelling.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

X Factor for winners

The best thing about watching the x-factor - knowing im more awesome than 99% of their contestants!  Why you ask?  Cos i know i cant sing.......... that and i would never wear heels and a fishnet top if i was a man. 

Actually count out the fishnet top for either sex some things just shouldn't come out in public!

...... and that people is my tip of the day.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Wow for the 2nd day in a row the sun has been out and Ive had the doors and windows open all day.  I love the sun it makes me feel soo much more motivated!  I even have clothes hanging on the drying racks outside (yes we did buy a new clothes line and no its not put up these things take time but it looks awesome just lying on the drive annoying me with its current lack of useability)

Ive started my vege garden for the summer........... ok so ive put in all of 2 plants but its still early days and they have been in the ground overnight now and still haven't died so that's a bonus.  I've joined the Yates garden challenge so VOTE ME

its a link to my first post.  Ive only planted a capsicum and zucchini plant so far but have plans for tomatoes, lettuce's, peas and more.  Ive already got a bunch of strawberry plants, a lemon tree, boysenberry and rasberry bush, blueberry bush, celery, potatoes, chives, colourful silverbeet, spinach, spring onion, leeks, turnip and the worlds largest parsley bush.  Most of it is winter crop (well at least what actually grew from my winter crop there were soo many more seeds put in!) so i should really pull it out and get some other things planted like carrots but gardening like your suppose to isn't really my style.  I'm very hit and miss with my methods which are basically based around impulse trips to the garden centre and then a week or so before I actually get motivated to plant.

Enough garden details tho.......  I started this blog to keep friends and family up to date on what we have been up to and haven't even posted achievements!  Aliya is walking now!  Crawling is still the go to method of transport but if she isnt in a hurry she will toddle around on her feet.  So cute!  Josh is in the big room at daycare where they gradually transition them to school.  He seems to really enjoy it except for when i'm leaving he still puts up a fight but its getting better.  He seems so smart and picks thing up really quickly but man he can still push your buttons and act like a real little brat when he wants.

Well that's enough for now,  I have another load of washing to hang somewhere and kids stuff to organise so we can head to mum and dads tonight for dads birthday.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Well the weather is getting better and better so ive been getting busy in the garden!  I have some pics of the outside of the house and garden

Here is when we brought the house (cant find a photo of the back yard so will have to track one down and add it later)

Now i suck at gardening so we have opted for a much more private (so people cant see how poorly i kept up the beautiful gardens and to contain the kidlets) and easy care yard.

So now our yard looks like this

A bit different aye!

All that's left to do outside is
- Paint house and garage
- Paint Roof and Fences
- Build a deck in the back corner of house (when we upgrade the lounge/kitchen we will have doors opening onto it
- Build a wee cubby out the front for kids outdoor toys