Friday, October 7, 2011

Yates Spring Vege Growing Challenge

I know I never post in here.  Its gunna be one of those blogs ya just keep checking in case there has been a new post - you know for suspense...........  Ok so maybe not.  I am HOOKED on the Yates Growing Challenge!!  No not hooked...... OBSESSED!  I'm really enjoying it because it keeps me motivated to do stuff and I am LOVING seeing my name at the top.  If you haven't already VOTE FOR ME!!!  1 because you love me, 2 because I'm awesome and 3 because you know you want too.

Yates Challenge - wrxchic

Other than that what is up with my ad selection?  I know that the google ad's throw up things that could interest you based on your browser history but seriously engagement rings and anti aging cremes????  Is it hinting at something?  Im getting too old so im going to need the anti aging cream if i want a chance at an engagement ring??

Short post I know but after all this Yates gardening and blogging I'm tired............. at least its keeping my typing skills up to speed and making me at least think about my spelling.