Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tightening the Belt

Well its been awhile............ Ive had a birthday, been on a girls trip to Queenstown, gone to OZ with my sister, I'm almost finished SBM102 with only one more assignment due then onto the last block of course work, both kids have had chicken pox and Jeff finally got soo sick of his boss he quit.

So here we are, Jeff job hunting and me tightening up the budget.  I have gone through the food we have (well started to I still need to record what is in the pantry) and I think I may have a food hoarding problem lol.  I think aside from topping up a few basics like milk, bread, cheese and eggs we could probably feed ourselves for at  least a month! more if I really tried to stretch meals out.  I have cancelled sky and other things and will use the situation to get more motivated into selling off the stuff I don't use anymore. Thanks to I think we will be fine as they seem to have living on tight budgets down to an art.

Kids are arguing about something so I will stop here for now but I will be back with updates on my new more frugal life something that I think we will try and keep up even when Jeff does go back to work so we can put the extra money saved towards the house and savings.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

More Progress

The best thing about holidays is that Jeff has random bursts of motivation and things get done on the house!  The last day of public holidays he wakes up early and suddenly decides it time to paint the house..... it was a bit of a fail since there was only one bucket of paint so only the back of the house got a coat.  I looked really good tho

Until you saw where it was the paint run out..........

A quick paint order the next day and some more motivation and assistance after work and over the New Years holidays and the house progressed ...........

and currently looks like this.......
Pretty awesome aye!  Hopefully there wont be a long wait until the roof is painted but WOW what a difference it has made.